Monday, January 29, 2007

Motown Meets The Beatles - Various Artists

Oh boy, what a great idea and it bore such good fruit. Some of Motown's best voices singing some of the best songs ever written, what fan could ever ask for more? In my mind, the only thing missing here is Marvin Gaye singing 'In My Life' - that would have been so beautiful....sigh. But he does do 'Yesterday' and hits it right out of the park, in my humble opinion. SO many great one's here..... just download and enjoy already.

1. Hard Day's Night - The Supremes
2. Eleanor Rigby - The Four Tops
3. We Can Work It Out - Stevie Wonder
4. Hey Jude - The Temptations
5. Yesterday - Marvin Gaye
6. Long and Winding Road - Diana Ross
7. Come Together - The Supremes
8. She's Leaving Home - Syreeta
9. You Can't Do That - The Supremes
10. Fool on the Hill - The Four Tops
11. Michelle - The Four Tops
12. And I Love Her - Smokey Robinson & the Miracles
13. Something - Martha Reeves & the Vandellas
14. Let It Be - Gladys knight & the Pips
15. Imagine - Diana Ross
16. My Love - Junior Walker
17. My Sweet Lord - Edwin Starr

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Johnny Cash & The Tennessee Two - Guest Star Radio Show 1959

I only wish I could remember where this one originated so I could give the proper thanks. Either way, it's my link so I don't need any leeching bullshit from ye olde peanut gallery. This is a short little show for a war bonds program that has Johnny and the boys running through a couple of their tunes. As always, it is wonderful just to hear the man - speaking or singing.

1. Guest Star Introduction
2. Country Boy
3. Chat With Johnny
4. Don't Take Your Guns To Town
5. Johnny Cash 'Buy Savings Bonds' Spot
6. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
7. Guest Star Outro.

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David Bowie - The Band Was Altogether (Diamond Dogs Rehearsals)

We all know that DaddyRich loves the Bowie and he loves the rehearsals. Hard to get any better than this - a particularly rich period in his long and varied career. As far as synchronicity goes, my iPod just began playing 'Panic In Detroit' so this one has been decreed by fate. Also, let's all of us give thanks to AOA, whose uploads have been making the internet a better place for a long time.

1. Moonage Daydream
2. Sweet Thing/Candidate/Sweet Thing(Reprise)
3. Changes
4. Suffragette City
5. Aladdin Sane
6. All The Young Dudes
7. Diamond Dogs
8. Panic In Detroit
9. Big Brother
10. Time
11. The Jean Genie
12. Win
13. Young Americans

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The White Stripes - Life On The Flipsides

I have had this little beauty for a while now and it has many great qualities but information was so scant and contradictory that I decided not to post it until I had more on it. Well, lucky day - here is a review dated from 2004, no less. Man, I am getting slow in my old age....

"Life on the Flipside is a great quality bootleg which is a veritable treasure trove for White Stripes fans. It is comprised of all the early 7" singles, both A and B sides, plus all the B sides of the White Blood Cells singles. As a bonus, there's some live tracks here too.

There's some songs that most serious White Stripes fans will have already. Early single "The Big Three Killed my Baby" is readily available on the debut album, as is early B side "Sugar Never Tasted So Good". "You're Pretty Good Looking" (here presented in a far inferior "Trendy American Remix) and "Hello Operator" are both available on De Stijl, while their cover of "I Just Don't Know What to Do with Myself", originally a B side of "Fell in Love with a Girl", went on to become one of their biggest hits and is available on their must-have album Elephant.

The real reason to buy this compilation, however, is to obtain the rarities. Early single "Let's Shake Hands" is a ragged protype for the like of "Fell in Love..." and "Hypnotise" and its B side, a cover of Marlene Dietrich's "Look Me Over Closely" is one of several excellent cover versions, a creeping little track with its tongue firmly in its cheek. "Lafayette Blues" is one of the band's most interesting singles, going in several different musical directions in just over 2 minutes, while "Big Three.." B Side "Red Bowling Ball Ruth" is a gloriously sloppy straightforward rocker. The now legendary cover of Dolly Parton's "Jolene" is also here, of course, a surprisingly faithful strummer.

Of course, fans who are really on the ball will already own "Let's Shake Hands" and "Lafayette Blues" as B Sides to "Fell in Love with a Girl" but there are a couple of really must-have singles here that you won't find anywhere else. "Hand Springs" still remains one of the White Stripes finest moments, unjustly hidden away as a split single with the Dirtbombs. It is a story song, spoken beautifully by Jack White in a distorted drawl, each short chapter punctuated by a huge, stomping riff. The lyrics are hilarious and the music is exhilirating. The other real hidden gem is the lost single "Lord, Send Me an Angel", a Blind Willie McTell cover which Jack has personalised with his own name in the lyrics. A driving, acoustic blues track, it was released as a single alongside the De Stijl album but was not included on that album which instead featured another McTell cover, "Your Southern Can is Mine".

Another real rarity is the trio of Captain Beefheart covers released on Sub Pop, a lost oddity. Lead track "Party of Special Things to Do" is a bizarre rocker with a rip-roaring fuzzy riff but a poor fade-out ending. The acoustic "China Pig" is a plodding guitar only track which works surprisingly well and "Ashtray Heart" is the best of the three covers with another great riff and frenzied performance. At best these tracks are amusing oddities, although they are worth having for completists.

"Candy Cane Children" is a Christmas song of sorts, although its hardly full of festive jollity. This is another real rarity, realesed first as part of a compilation 7" featuring artists on the Flying Bomb label and later as a limited xmas single, "Candy Cane Children" is great lost track although it takes some getting into. The final real rarity is "Red Death at 6:14", previously only available on a compilation of Detroit groups. Its another oddity that grow with every listen and well worth having for its joyous whoops and thunderous riffs.

What's left are the easier to obtain White Blood Cells B sides but there's plenty worth having among them if you missed buying the singles. The acoustic "live at Hotel Yorba" tracks are charming, with Jack and Meg both singing sweetly together on the excellent Loretta Lynn cover "Rated X" and a minimalist version of "Hotel Yorba". The live cover of Bob Dylan's "Lovesick" is grand, a fittingly heavy rocking tribute to one of the man's lesser known great songs. The two live Radio 1 session tracks are both versions of tracks from the band's debut. "Suzy Lee" is fairly similar to the album version but the Robert Johnson cover "Stop Breaking Down" couldn't be more different. On their debut album the band turned in a heavy rocking, fast paced and utterly brilliant version of the song. This session version showcases a slower paced, more laid back version which is closer to the original and almost as cool as their other version.

There are also a couple of extra rare live tracks thrown in for good measure. The rabid version of "Skrewdriver" on the Late Show is great, especially when the band drop the sound a notch to insert a short passage from "Your Southern Can is Mine" and when Jack sings "I got a little feelin' going now, Meg's got a little feelin' going now". A trio of XFM sessions provide slightly muted, uninspired versions of "Hotel Yorba", "You're Pretty Good Looking" and "Fell in Love With a Girl", all drained of energy and sounding a little off-key (and not in the good way). Two more versions of "Fell in Love..." follow, which seems a little excessive even for people who can't get enough of the song. The version from the late show reinstates the energy missing from the XFM version and mixes in the vocal and drum track "Little Room" expertly. Jack's vocal performance verges on lunatic and all this converges to make the best performance of the song other than the classic original. The final version from the MTV awards is a little more sanitised in keeping with the atmosphere of the tightly controlled event. It segues into a very fine live reading of "Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground", however, which utterly upstages the "Fell in Love..." segment. Of the 6 bonus the live tracks, the ones to treasure are the two Late Show performances.

All this variety makes Life on the Flipside worth every penny so definitely pick it up if you get the rare chance to. It fills in most of the crucial gaps in the collection of a White Stripes completist who has only managed to obtain the four albums and the later singles."

1. Let's Shake Hands (Let's Shake Hands 7 inch) 2:00
2. Look Me Over Closely (Let's Shake Hands 7 inch) 2:09
3. Lafayette Blues (Lafayette Blues 7 inch) 2:14
4. Sugar Never Tasted So Good (Lafayette Blues 7 inch) 2:50
5. The Big Three Killed My Baby (Big Three... 7 inch) 2:23
6. Red Rolling Ball Ruth (Big Three... 7 inch) 1:56
7. Hello Operator (Hello Operator 7 inch) 2:29
8. Jolene (Hello Operator 7 inch) 2:59
9. Hand Springs (rare SubPop single) 2:49
10. Party Of Special Things To Do (Party... 7 inch) 2:40
11. China Pig (Party... 7inch) 1:21
12. Ashtray Heart (Party... 7 inch) 2:32
13. Lord Send Me An Angel (Lord... 7 inch) 2:28
14. You're Pretty Good Looking (Lord... 7 inch) 1:45
15. Candy Cane Children (Surprising Package Vol. 2 7") 2:28
16. Red Death At 614 (Sympathetic Sounds Of Detroit LP) 2:59
17. Rated X (live) (Hotel Yorba CD single) 2:47
18. Hotel Yorba (live) (Hotel Yorba CD single) 2:11
19. Lovesick (live) (Fell In Love... CD single) 3:46
20. I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself (Fell In Love... CD single) 2:43
21. Suzy Lee (live) Dead Leaves... CD single) 4:10
22. Stop Breaking Down (live) (Dead Leaves... CD single) 5:36
23. Screwdriver (live on the Late Show, July 17, 2002) 3:49
24. Hotel Yorba (live, XFM London Radio Session 2002) 2:10
25. You're Pretty Good Looking (live, XFM London Radio Session 2002) 1:44
26. Fell In Love With A Girl (live, XFM London Radio Session 2002) 1:50
27. Little Room (live on the Late Show, March 16, 2002) 2:41
28. Dead Leaves And The Dirty Ground (live, MTV Movie Awards 2002) 3:20

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Friday, January 26, 2007

Various Artists - 1234 Punk and New Wave 1976-1979 [5 Disc Box Set]

Most all my good friends here at the Ape know well how I feel about most comilations.... nuff said. But every once in a while you find one that has some real merit as a collection of really great songs. This here would be one example. Now, of course, if I had the choice I would have included/omitted a few but am overall impresed with this pretty-well comprehensive collection of one of my favorite era's of music. A certain online store named for a race of beautiful, giant warrior women has this to say - and I find it apt -

"No single box set--however sumptuously packaged, however comprehensively compiled--could hope to contain the bewildering, diverse array of musical styles and opinions that was brought together under the loose description "punk" between 1976 and 1979. There were so many fresh ideas and concepts--the final, irreversible emancipation of women in rock and the creation of an entirely new, non-R&B, guitar-based music form--contained within that one word, no compilation could hope to represent it fairly. 1-2-3-4 has a damn good try, though. Five CDs, featuring 100 tracks from the good, bad and downright ugly of punk.
This is a compilation for the historical completist, taking in everyone from the early trail-blazers (Sex Pistols, New York Dolls, Ramones, Television) through to the 1978 Rough Trade independent outburst (Raincoats, Slits, Pop Group) and the politically-charged (Gang Of Four, Au Pairs, Tom Robinson Band).

The post-punk "new wave" explosion is represented by the Buzzcocks, Devo and XTC as are the art-rockers by Siouxsie, Ultravox and Pere Ubu).

Even the novelty records get a mention: Jilted John and Television Personalities. The list is virtually endless.

Considering the genre's (relative) lack of commercial impact at the time, it's astonishing how its repercussions are still being felt today. The punk explosion was Year Zero for the music press; it was the direct precursor of the American grunge movement and it became the initial working model for the DIY dance and rap explosions. Moreover, punk was a point of influence that no "indie" band creating music today can hope to avoid.Elastica, the Stereophonics,Nirvana, Green Day, Offspring, PublicEnemy and Prodigy are just some of the bands the can find their mirror selves in punk. This is a mind-blowing compilation. --Everett True"

Disc: 1
1. Complete Control - Clash (1)
2. Anarchy In The UK - Sex Pistols
3. New Rose - Damned
4. Blitzkreig Bop - Ramones
5. Shadow - Lurkers
6. Thinking Of The USA - Eater
7. Ain't Bin To No Music School - Ed Banger
8. Borstal Breakout - Sham 69
9. I Hate School - Suburban Studs
10. GLC - Menace (1)
11. One Chord Wonders - Adverts
12. Right To Work - Chelsea
13. Johnny Won't Go To Heaven - Killjoys
14. Bone Idle - Drones (1)
15. Where Have All The Boot Boys Gone - Slaughter & The Dogs
16. CID - UK Subs
17. Can't Wait 'til '78 - Wasps
18. Ambition - Subway Sect
19. I'm Stranded - Saints (1)
20. Orgasm Addict - Buzzcocks

Disc: 2
1. In The City - Jam (1)
2. Your Generation - Generation X (1)
3. First Time - Boys (1)
4. Get A Grip (On Yourself) - Stranglers
5. Don't Dictate - Penetration (1)
6. In A Rut - Ruts
7. Big Time - Rudi
8. Don't Ring Me Up - Protex
9. Just Another Teenage Rebel - Outcasts (1)
10. Solitary Confinement - Members
11. Emergency - 999
12. 19 And Mad - Leyton Buzzards
13. I'm In Love With Margaret Thatcher - Not Sensibles
14. Romford Girls - Riff Raff (1)
15. Sick Of You - Users
16. Gabrielle - Nips
17. Where Were You - Mekons (1)
18. Murder Of Liddle Towers - Angelic Upstarts
19. Oh Bondage Up Yours - Angelic Upstarts
20. Sweet Suburbia - Angelic Upstarts
21. Television Screen - Radiators (1)
22. Alternative Ulster - Stiff Little Fingers
23. Teenage Kicks - Undertones

isc: 3
1. Teenage Depression - Eddie & The Hot Rods
2. Rich Kids - Rich Kids
3. Baby Baby (I Know You're A Lady) - Vibrators
4. Suffice To Say - Yachts
5. Roadrunner - Richman, Jonathan & Modern Lovers
6. Don't Care - Klark Kent
7. Nervous Wreck - Radio Stars
8. Up Against The Wall - Robinson, Tom Band
9. So It Goes - Lowe, Nick
10. Police Car - Wallis, Larry
11. Hard Loving Man - Moped, Johnny
12. Love And A Molotov Cocktail - Flys (1)
13. Where's Captain Kirk - Spizz Energi
14. Sonic Reducer - Dead Boys
15. Search And Destroy - Dictators
16. Born To Lose - Heartbreakers (2)
17. Modern Dance - Pere Ubu
18. If You Don't Want To Fuck Me Fuck Off - County, Wayne
19. California Uber Alles - Dead Kennedys

Disc: 4
1. I Belong To The Blank Generation - Hell, Richard
2. 10.15 Saturday Night - Cure
3. Rip Her To Shreds - Blondie
4. I Can't Stand My Baby - Rezillos
5. All I Want - Snatch (1)
6. Looking After No 1 - Boomtown Rats
7. Take Me I'm Yours - Squeeze
8. Sex And Drugs And Rock 'n' Roll - Dury, Ian & The Blockheads
9. Spanish Stroll - Mink DeVille
10. Is She Really Going Out With Him - Jackson, Joe
11. Whole Wide World - Wreckless Eric
12. Part Time Punks - Television Personalities
13. Safety Pin Stuck In My Heart - Fitzgerald, Patrick
14. You Can't Put Your Arms Around A Memory - Thunders, Johnny
15. Psycle Sluts - Clarke, John Cooper
16. Jilted John - Jilted John
17. Kill - Alberto Y Los Trios Paranoias
18. Paranoid - Dickies

Disc: 5
1. Public Image - Public Image Ltd.
2. Warsaw - Joy Division
3. Staircase Mystery - Siouxsie & The Banshees
4. Damaged Goods - Gang Of Four
5. You - Au Pairs
6. How Much Longer - Au Pairs
7. Read About Seymour - Swell Maps
8. Young Parisians - Adam & The Ants
9. Monochrome Set - Monochrome Set
10. We Are All Prostitutes - Pop Group
11. Typical Girls - Slits
12. Mannequin - Wire (1)
13. Shot By Both Sides - Magazine
14. Science Fiction - XTC (1)
15. Do The Standing Still - Table (1)
16. Another Girl Another Planet - Only Ones
17. Young Savage - Ultravox
18. Puppet Life - Punishment Of Luxury
19. Jocko Homo - Devo
20. Marquee Moon - Television (1)

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The White Stripes - Complete B-Sides & Compilation Tracks Collection

Oh those wonderful White's, Jack and Meg. I was never a big fan of the blues when I was younger, as most aren't. It all just sounded a little too dated and didn't move me at all. Many years later, The White Stripes take old blues songs and themes and give them such great life and it sounds so good to these old ears. This was a find at the mighty SFRP (all respect due) and the link there seems dead so I will zip up mine and share it with all you good folks. It is just as it states - a collection of b's and compilation goodness - Enjoy!

01-Let's Shake Hands
02-Look Me Over Closely
03-Lafayette Blues
04-Red Bowling Ball Ruth
07-Party Of Special Things To Do
08-China Pig
09-Ashtray Heart
10-Red Death At 6:14
11-Lord, Send Me An Angel
12-You're Pretty Good Looking (Trendy American Mix)
13-Candy Cane Children
14-Story Of the Magi
15-Good To Me
16-Black Jack Davey
17-Who's To Say
18-Who's A Big Baby
19-Though I Hear You Calling, I Will Not Answer
20-Blue Orchid (High Contrast Remix)
21-Top Special
22-Shelter of Your Arms
23-Walking With A Ghost

I will also include a companion piece of a few rarities - live appearences and such for you...

Due to popular demand - Link has been updated. Thanks for the heads-up everyone!!!

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Joe - Here's your Smiths tune -

Scratch - Original Soundtrack

Whoa - this one is on-point, my friends. If you love hip-hop in it's purest form then this is for your ears. I have not yet seen the movie but I am reasonably sure my boy Mike has got it somewhere. Here's the only description I could find online...

"Scratch is a feature-length documentary film that explores the world of the hip-hop DJ. From the birth of hip-hop, when pioneering DJ's began extending breaks on their party records (which helped inspire break dancing and rap), to the invention of scratching and "beat-juggling" vinyl, to its recent explosion as a musical movement called "turntablism," it's a story of unknown underdogs and serious virtuosos who are radically changing the way we hear, play and create music." This is the soundtrack. All tracks rare as f**k and a few def exclusives, check Rockit 2002, Transparent boss Herbie Hancock getting down with Mixmaster Mike, Grandmixer DST, Rob Swift, Q-Bert, Faust & Shortee and Babu. Lineup or what!!! Absolutely devestating stuff. Two new Rob Swift joints with Bill Laswell on the boards. Rare treats come from X-ecutioners with DJ Premier, Rob Swift, Invisble Scratch Piklz, DJ Disk, Eddie Def and the old school Boogie Boy and Kid Delight with Afrika Bambaataa. Rock solid and great entertainment, can't wait to see the film."

1. Prologue - Grand Wizard Theodore Speaks
2. Mixmaster Mike and DJ Disk Live
3. X-Ecutioners feat DJ Premier - Primos X-Ecution
4. Mixmaster Mike and DJ Disk
5. Rob Swift - Re-Animator
6. Interlude - Mixmaster Mike Speaks.
7. Herbie Hancock feat Mixmaster Mike, Grandmixer, DXT, Rob Swift, Q-Bert, Babu, Faust & Shortee - Roc
8. Interlude - Cut Chemist
9. Cat Five vs Snayk Eyez - Turntable Transformer
10. Interlude - Interlude
11. DJ Krush - Live
12. Grandmixer DST - Crazy 2 Crazy
13. Interlude - DJ Shadow Speaks
14. Invisibl Skratch Piklz - Invasion of the Octopus People
15. Interlude - Jazzy Jay and Afrika Bambaataa Speak
16. Boogie Boy - Kid Delight feat Afrika Bambaataa - All 4 One
17. Interlude - Afrika Bambaataa Speaks Again.
18. DJ Disk with Buckethead - Skin Cracked Canals
19. Interlude - Interlude
20. Grandmixer DST - Cut Transmitter
21. Eddie Def - Universal Noize Maker
22. Interlude - Q-Bert and Mixmaster Mike Speak
23. Rob Swift - My Style

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The Sisters Of Mercy - Some Boys Wander By Mistake (Bootleg)

Another band among my favorites that has been too long ignored at the Ape. This is the companion piece to 'Some Girls Wander By Mistake' that I posted a while back. There are a few more Sisters records that will be popping up here from time to time. I believe this was one among the couple hundred that were killed when Rapidshare,de tanked on me and, although I imported the links, none seem to work. So, to the folks who have kindly requested re-up's of some of those - please just be patient a little longer because I will put a few up here soon. Until then, enjoy the dark goodness that is the Sisters.

1 Body and Soul
2 Train
3 Afterhours
4 Poison Door
5 On the Wire
6 Blood and Money
7 Bury Me Deep
8 Dominion/Ozymandias
9 Sandstorm
10 [untitled]
11 Emma
12 Long Train
13 Lucretia My Reflection
14 This Corrosion
15 You Could Be the One

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Fred Wesley & The JB's - Damn Right I Am Somebody

Oh yes, DaddyRich is bringing Funky back. It's been a while since I have brought out the funkay goodness and this record has the players, the pedigree and the classic sound all in one. It was put quite nicely online and I will quote...

"An incredible album -- quite possibly our favorite record by the JBs, ever! The set starts with a wonderful conversational bit -- rapping and musing on the idea of "Damn Right, I Am Somebody" -- showing the group in a political and righteous mode for the first time ever. The grooves then kick in -- with the same heavy funk as on earlier records, but also a nice nod towards experimental production -- from strange fade ups and fade downs, to stark time and rhythm changes, and even bits of electronics used to create some very cool moments in the grooves! The whole thing's as dead funky as can be, and is stuffed with insane classics like "Blow Your Head", "Same Beat", "Damn Right I am Somebody", "I'm Payin' Taxes, What am I Buyin'", and a great cover of Marvin Gaye's "You Sure Love to Ball"!"

1. Damn Right I Am Somebody
2. Blow Your Head
3. I'm Payin' Taxes, What Am I Buyin' - Fred Wesley & the J.B.'s
4. Same Beat, Pt. 1 - Fred Wesley & the J.B.'s
5. If You Don't Get It the First Time, Back Up & Try It Again, Parrty
6. Make We What You Want Me to Be
7. Going to Get a Thrill
8. You Sure Love to Ball

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Counting Crows - Live 1994

Here's a semi-oldie from a band, and the greatest period of their work, that DaddyRich admires greatly. I can still recall picking up a music magazine in 1993 and reading an article about this band and the recrding of their first album. It mentioned about them being very accomplished musiciand and their lead singet had a knack for Van Morrison-esque flights of voice and I really didn't need to read much more before I was on the hunt for the disc. When it came out I was surely not disappointed and truly enjoyed it. Even since then it has been played quite often, although I seemed to lose interest with each succeeding release I still have a great respect for them and they seem one of the band du jour's to not admit that one likes. But we all know Daddy is above all that. So I hope a few will be pleased to see this and grab this one and enjoy it. It also contains at the tail end alternate versions for two of my favorite songs of theirs, 'Anna Begins' and 'Round Here' - enjoy the goodness, children.

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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Faith No More - Fool's Small Victory (B-Sides, Rarities & Covers)

Another request answered for a great friend of the Ape, and although I am no great Faith No More fan - I can certainly respect what they have done in their long career. And the fact that Mike Patton is an undeniable bad-ass is irrefutable by anyone with any musical sense in their head. I may soon post a bunch of the Patton/Rahzel (of The Roots) concerts that I have here, and I have quite a friggin' few. This one's for you.

1 A Small Victory

2 The Perfect Crime

3 Let`s Lynch The Landlord

4 A Small Victory2

5 I`m Easy

6 Das Schutzenfest

7 A Small Victory3

8 Absolute Zero

9 I Started A Joke

10 Greenfields

11 A Small Victory4

12 RV

13 A Small Victory5

14 Mark Bowen

15 Surprise You`re Dead

16 Chinese Arithmetic

17 Midlife Crisis

18 Epic

19 We Care A Lot

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Greensleeves 12" Collection Continued - Discs 7 & 8

There have been all too few downloads of these (check the archives, folks) and I will be posting the updates at the top of the page from now on so no one will miss them. This is the best of roots reggae for all you kids to enjoy. If DaddyRich says it's good, it must be true.... would I lie to you? Right.


Eventide Fire A Disaster - Barrington Levy & General Echo
Noah’s Ark - Eek-A-Mouse
Wa-Do-Dem - Eek-A-Mouse
Wild Inna Eighty-One Style - Errol Shorter
Trials & Crosses - Earl Sixteen
Love Is What The World Want - Barry Brown
Fattie Boom - Ranking Dread
Entertainment - Triston Palmer Jah Thomas & Toyan
Jah Guide I - Little John & Toyan
Up Front - Wailing Souls


To The Edge Of The Rump - Papa Tullo
Give Another Israel A Try - Barry Brown
Im Not Crazy - Don Carlos & Captain Sinbad
Gone Away - Sammy Dread
Dance Hall Style - Little John
Bone Connection - Nicodemus
Outside Right - The Taxi Gang
Life In The Ghetto - Simple Simon
Warn Them Teach Them - Peter Metro & Squiddly Ranking
Caribbean Connection - Peter Metro

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Jim Croce - Philadelphia Folk Festival August 25, 1973

The mighty Jim Croce, such a loss to all of the world of music so many years ago. Croce always got big respect in my house when I was growing up and mine has only deepened with the ensuing years. He was a masterful storyteller and a pretty damned good guitar player as well. This is a great show but later this week I will post the 'Final Tour' disc where his humor and story-telling abilities are in even greater evidence for you all. Do yourself a favor and run out and buy some Croce tunes, I prefer vinyl myself for Jim, but I believe he can be downloaded digitally as well. I have had this one for a good while but I am going to err on the safe side and thank all at SFRP for letting me hang out and contribute as well.

4-Working at The Carwash Blues
7-He's Got A Way With Women
9-Lovers Cross
11-Speedball Tucker
13-The Ball Of Kerrymuir//
14-//Bad Bad Leroy Brown

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Alice In Chains - Publisher Demos 1989

I have searched high and low for more information on these, aside from what already seems obvious - they are demos from 1989. Apparently recorded for the publishing company before they were signed and broke out in their huge way. One of the very best to come from a city that is no stranger to birthing great bands. Sadly, Layne Staley was another heroin casualty from that era, why is herb just not good enough for some people? Anyways, great early Alice here and Cantrell's monstrous guitar chops are in evidence for all to marvel at.

Track Time Listeners
1 Suffragette City
2 Bleed the Freak
3 Social Parasite
4 We Die Young
5 Chemical Addiction
6 Sunshine
7 King of the Kats
8 The Real Thing
9 Killing Yourself
10 Sea of Sorrow
11 I Can't Remember
12 Queen of the Rodeo

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Pearl Jam - Live At Benaroya Hall Seatle, Wa. October 22, 2003 (2 Discs)

I know most hardcore Pearl Jam fans already have this one snug in their respective collections, but this blog is for others as well. There aren't too many major bands of Pearl Jam's stature that have put out as many live albums - none, most likely. But this show was a different affair altogether. A double-disc set of mostly acoustic rarities and covers, this one is well worth checking out, even for the most casual fan out there. Many rarely-heard b-sides and deep album cuts can be found here and are given spectacular life by the boys. Give a listen.

1. Of The Girl
2. Low Light
3. Thumbing My Way
4. Thin Air
5. Fatal
6. Nothing As It Seems
7. Man Of The Hour
8. Immortality
9. Off He Goes
10. Around The Bend
11. I Believe In Miracles
12. Sleight Of Hand
13. All Or None
14. Lukin


1. Parting Ways
2. Down
3. (Encore Break)
4. Can't Keep
5. Dead Man Walking
6. Masters Of War
7. Black
8. Crazy Mary
9. 25 Minutes To Go
10. Daughter
11. (Encore Break)
12. Yellow Ledbetter

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Hank Williams Sr. - Live At The Grand Ole Opry (2 Discs)

Of course no one needs to ask if DaddyRich loves Hank Sr. - He was among my first posts and is still listened to here with great regularity. I may be perhaps striving to make up for all my wayward younger years in which I scoffed at the idea of the man and his music. Regardless, I have made up for lost time and am now in the possession of quite a large collection of his music. With his passing at such a young age - him and the age of modern recording technologies, the concerts that are available are of woefully pitiable quality most often. This collection about represents the pinnacle of quality we could ever likely expect to hear from the great voice of Hank Sr. More from the interwebs...

" As the single most important artist in country music, Hank Williams bears a discography whose every element is of extreme historical import. While he recorded prolifically, live Williams records are decidedly in the minority. Before the 1999 release of LIVE AT THE GRAND OLE OPRY, the Health and Happiness radio shows and a few stray cuts here and there were all the public had access to in terms of live Hank. Like the Health and Happiness release, this album is taken from radio transcriptions. The context these shows provide--Hank trades quips with Minnie Pearl and a host of comedians, and engages in plenty of aural glad-handing with the host and audience--makes the unadorned longing in Hank's voice and songs all the more striking. Listening to him detail (though not without humor) his miserable state on "Nobody's Lonesome For Me" while an enthusiastic audience happily claps along, adds an extra ironic edge to the already harrowing musical experience. LIVE AT THE GRAND OLE OPRY shows that Williams was a unique combination of happy-faced showman and broken-hearted troubadour, a man who could make people smile with a cry in his voice."

And please ignore the comedy routines, they are just awful.

1. Lovesick Blues
2. Wedding Bells - (previously unreleased)
3. You're Gonna Change (Or I'm Gonna Leave)
4. Why Don't You Love Me - (previously unreleased)
5. Comedy With Hank Williams, Red Foley And Minnie Pearl
6. They'll Never Take Her Love From Me
7. Moanin' The Blues - (previously unreleased)
8. Nobody's Lonesome For Me - (previously unreleased)
9. Dear John
10. Cold, Cold Heart - (previously unreleased)
11. Hey Good Lookin'
12. Honky Tonk Blues
13. Let The Spirit Descend
14. Baby, We're Really In Love
15. Comedy With Hank Williams And Rod Brasfield - (previously unreleased)
16. Old Country Church, The
17. I Can't Help It (If I'm Still In Love With You) - (previously unreleased)
18. Jambalaya (On The Bayou) - (previously unreleased)
19. Half As Much - (previously unreleased)
20. Window Shopping - (previously unreleased)
21. Long Gone Lonesome Blues - (previously unreleased)


1. Aunt Jemima's Plaster - (previously unreleased, with Red Foley)
2. Lead Me To That Rock - (previously unreleased, with Wally Fowler & The Oak Ridge Quartet)
3. I Just Don't Like This Kind Of Livin'
4. Comedy With Minnie Pearl
5. Lord, I'm Coming Home - (previously unreleased, with Red Foley)
6. Oh, You Beautiful Doll - (previously unreleased, with Claude Sharpe & The Old Hickory Singers)
7. Comedy With Jamup & Honey - (previously unreleased)
8. Lovesick Blues - (previously unreleased)
9. You Ain't Got Faith - (previously unreleased, with Wally Fowler & The Oak Ridge Quartet)
10. Church Music - (previously unreleased, with Red Foley)

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Friday, January 19, 2007

Noel Gallagher - 2006 Rhapsody Excluxsive

You know I keep waiting for him to go solo already, but sadly it doesn't appear to be happening any time soon. Friends of the Ape already know how much I dig Noel and his great songs. The only thing that makes Oasis obnoxious (to me) is that tit Liam. Either way, Noel recorded a few ditties for Rhapsody last year and Daddy has them here for you - I hope a few of you like these as much as I do.

1. Talk Tonight (Live For Rhapsody)

2. The Importance Of Being Idle (Live For Rhapsody)

3. Wonderwall (Live For Rhapsody)

4. Married With Children (Live For Rhapsody)

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The Flaming Lips - Fearless Freaks - 20 Years of Weird (Giveaway Disc at SXSW 2005)

Truly, any Flaming Lips is good, right? Especially when it's free and shares the communal bliss that is their live show. Enjoy my good friends, enjoy!

Originally produced as a limited edition EP that band friend Bradley Beasley would pass out at a FEARLESS FREAKS screening sat SXSW 2005, we have gotten together with THE FLAMING LIPS to make 20 YEARS OF WEIRD available to fearless freaks like yourself! The tracks are mostly taken from various live shows throughout the band's career, and also includes the track "Free Radicals" that is from the April 4 2006 release AT WAR WITH THE MYSTICS.

1. Wayne's Intro
2. Free Radicals
3. Enthusiasm for Life Defeats Existential Fear
4. With You
5. Whole Lotta Love/Can't Stop the Spring
6. Shine on Sweet Jesus
7. Space Age Love Song
8. Moth in the Incubator
9. When You Smile
10. Sleeping on the Roof
11. The Observer

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The Clash - D.O.A. (Demos, Alternates and Outtakes)

If Rolling Stone magazine ever got one thing right, it was calling The Clash "The Only Band That Matters" way back in the day. I cannot truly describe the wonderful effect their music has had on the shaping of my mind in my youth. A punk rock band that wasn't afraid to , eloquently I may add, say what they meant. Sure, there was a lot of screamers back then with loads of rage and little vocabulary who had a message as well. But no one could match these boys for energy and vision. They made reggae, ska, skiffle, punk and so many other styles sound so sweet. So, of course, DaddyRich has loaded up on their rarities and gems - and will be posting a few here for other like-minded individuals. Although I already had this one for a while, all praise is due to AlienOnAcid and the mighty SFRP for hooking the world up to the kind stuff. Keep your eyes open here, kids - more to come!

Disc 1
Polydor Demos:
01 - Career Opportunities
02 - White Riot
03 - Janie Jones
04 - London's Burning
05 - 1977

Micky Foote Demos:
06 - Preamble
07 - I'm So Bored With The U.S.A.
08 - London's Burning
09 - White Riot [take 1]
10 - White Riot [take 2]
11 - Career Opportunities
12 - 1977
13 - Janie Jones [instrumental]

Film Soundtrack Demos:
14 - Heartbreak Hotel [take 1]
15 - Heartbreak Hotel [take 2]

Promo Video Shoot:
16 - 1977
17 - White Riot
18 - London's Burning
19 - 1977 [alternate mix]
20 - White Riot [alternate mix]

Elisabethan Suite Outtake:
21 - What's My Name

Rude Boy Rehearsal:
22 - Garageland

Rock Against Racism track:
23 - (White Man) In Hammersmith Palais

Alternate Mixes:
24 - Clash City Rockers
25 - The Prisoner

B-Side Outtakes:
26 - 1-2 Crush On You
27 - Pressure Drop
28 - The Prisoner

British TV Outtakes:
29 - Clash City Rockers
30 - Tommy Gun
31 - Israelites

Disc 2

'Rope Demos:
01 - All The Young Punks
02 - Safe European Home
03 - Drug-Stabbing Time
04 - Julie's Been Working For The Drug Squad
05 - Stay Free
06 - Groovy Times
07 - Last Gang In Town
08 - Ooh Baby Ooh (It's Not Over)
09 - One Emotion

'Rope Outtakes:
10 - All The Young Punks
11 - Stay Free

London Calling era soundcheck:
12 - Baby Please Don't Go
13 - Roadrunner

London Calling rehearsal:
14 - Mona
15 - You Can't Judge A Book

London Calling Outtake:
16 - Revolution Rock [instrumental]

Sandinista! Outtakes:
17 - King Of The Road
18 - Blonde Rock And Roll
19 - Louie Louie

Combat Rock Outtakes:
20 - Know Your Rights
21 - Overpowered By Funk (instrumental)

Combat Rock Alternate Mix:
22 - Cool Confusion

Janie Jones Demo:
23 - House Of The Ju Ju Queen

Joe Strummer Unreleased Song:
24 - In The Pouring Rain

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Genesis - Archives Box Set 1967-1975 (4 Discs)

I know, anyone who really wanted this box set probably already has it, agreed. But I am going to begin with the first 2 discs and the beautiful sound of 'The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway' played live to an L.A. audience in 1973. The sound is so crisp and sounds better than many of the concerts I am getting today. Each musician in this band was quite accomplished and Gabriels voice...have I not said enough before about the voice of Mr. Gabriel. Such a voice. The entire - double album - played straight through? Who could write a decent double album now and then go play the whole damn thing live with such precision? Not too damn many. Sure, the other discs are full of highlights and rarities and I may post them, if badgered enough, but the point is to find a comfortable spot and listen to this show - mind blowing stuff.

Disc: 1

1. The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway
2. Fly On A Windshield
3. Broadway Melody Of 1974
4. Cuckoo Cocoon
5. In The Cage
6. The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging
7. Back In N.Y.C.
8. Hairless Heart
9. Counting Out Time
10. Carpet Crawlers
11. The Chamber Of 32 Doors

Disc: 2

1. Lilywhite Lilith
2. The Waiting Room
3. Anyway Listen
4. Here Comes The Supernatural Anaesthetist
5. The Lamia
6. Silent Sorrow In Empty Boats
7. The Colony Of Slippermen (Arrival. A Visit To The Doktor, Raven)
8. Ravine
9. The Light Dies Down On Broadway
10. Riding The Scree
11. In The Rapids
12. It

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Various Artists - Greatest Hits of The New Romantic (3 Disc Set)

Quite a collection of some of the 1980's best music is available on this set - and there is surely something for everyone. The term "New Romantic" came to me probably a little late, I first recall hearing it in 7th grade when groups like Duran Duran and Culture Club were scoring big chart hits but not yet registering on DaddyRich's musical radar. As with most "scenes" in music, it's fans and closest adherents is what turned me off of the "movement". It was basically a bunch of guys with spiked, frost-tipped hair and eye-liner in too-tight pants that the girls liked instead of me. More than enough reason to hate it, in my book. Boy those fellas must cringe when old photos are brought up to them. DaddyRich never took the eye-liner plunge, thank God. They all reminded me of the "Anarcho-Romantics" in Cerebus "High Society" (recommended reading if you haven't already), kinda wimpy and over-dressed. But I digress (yes again), and am putting you all to sleep with my stories of the old days. Enjoy the goodness and be kind to the short, fat nerds - they grow up to be handsome music bloggers sometimes. Again, only 2 of the 3, I have been busy lately...

Disc: 1

1. Culture Club - Karma Chameleon
2. Spandau Ballet - Gold
3. Duran Duran - Girls On Film
4. The Human League - (Keep Feeling) Fascination
5. Ultravox - Dancing With Tears In My Eyes
6. Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark - Tesla Girls
7. Kraftwerk - Showroom Dummies
8. Heaven 17 - Crushed By The Wheels Of Industry
9. Simple Minds - Glittering Prize
10. China Crisis - Wishful Thinking
11. Talk Talk - Talk Talk
12. It Bites - Calling All The Heroes
13. Classix Nouveaux - Inside Outside
14. Thomas Dolby - She Blinded Me With Science
15. Midge Ure - If I Was
16. Cabaret Voltaire - Sensoria
17. Japan - Visions Of China
18. Erasure - Sometimes

Disc: 2

1. Duran Duran - Planet Earth
2. Heaven 17 - Temptation
3. Philip Oakey & Giorgio Moroder - Together In Electric Dreams
4. Talk Talk - It's My Life
5. The Human League - Love Action (I Believe In Love)
6. Spandau Ballet - Chant No 1 (I Don't Need This Pressure On)
7. Kajagoogoo - Too Shy
8. China Crisis - Hanna Hanna
9. Classix Nouveaux - Is It A Dream
10. Devo - Whip It
11. Kraftwerk - Neon Lights
12. Simple Minds - Promised You A Miracle
13. Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark - Joan Of Arc
14. Ultravox - We Came To Dance
15. Erasure - Who Needs Love (Like That)
16. Japan - Cantonese Boy
17. Mick Karn & Midge Ure - After A Fashion
18. Culture Club - Do You Really Want To Hurt Me

Disc 3 - Here it is!

1. Heaven 17 - (We Don't Need This) Fascist Groove Thang
2. Kraftwerk - The Model
3. Duran Duran - The Wild Boys
4. The Human League - Open Your Heart
5. Ultravox - Vienna
6. Spandau Ballet - To Cut A Long Story Short
7. Japan - Ghosts
8. Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark - Enola Gay
9. Simple Minds - Life In A Day
10. Thomas Dolby - Hyperactive!
11. China Crisis - African And White
12. Classix Nouveaux - Guilty
13. Belouis Some - Imagination Listen
14. Spandau Ballet - True
15. Yazoo - Only You
16. The Human League - Mirror Man
17. Culture Club - It's A Miracle
18. Duran Duran - Hungry Like The Wolf

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Guns N' Roses - The Guns N' Roses Story Vol. 1

Okay, people who know me know full well that I do not much for this band. Having said that, I do have a heart and when the right people ask for something and it's close at hand - Daddy will provide. This one is seriously lacking in information to be found to provide an accurate description other than the obvious fact it contains rarites and alternate takes of some of their early-to-mid period of work. The closest to real info. I could find was the cover cans posted here and they were from a Russian music sharing site - a warning flag if there was ever any, right? Hopefully one or two others than they who so kindly asked for this will enjoy. Also, this is a 3 disc set and I have to get the third upped this evening - so only 2 for now.

Sorry - no time for a tracklist now. I really need to learn how to cut and paste from the file folder, but the normal method isn't working for me. Any Mac owners have advice?

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Monday, January 15, 2007

Jesus & Mary Chain - Peel Session

Another under-rated great British band that seemingly only the most music-snobbish music lovers are aware of and that's a shame. This is also just a piece of the great work they did for Mr. Peel and I am eagerly looking for the rest and will have them soon for you all.

1. In A Hole
2. You Trip Me Up
3. Never Understand
4. Taste The Floor

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Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Rumours Live 1993

I guess I could consider myself lucky to have so many Depeche Mode concerts in my collection, but so many have crappy quality. Excepting, of course, the 101 discs - which still enjoy considerable play in the old stereo. This one is about the best I have from this era, one in which I had pretty much written them off as being done and so did many others, apparently. It was in the middle of Dave Gahan's very public heroin problems and it got old hearing about it to me so I just tuned out. It's gratifying to know they soldiered on without my inestimable custom and that they also continued to sound great and make wonderful music. So, please enjoy this nice document of their live prowess and I will sift through my many boots and seek the best sounding ones for future posts.

Songs Duration
Condemnation 3:47
Enjoy The Silence 6:41
Everything Counts 5:11
Halo 4:36
Higher Love 6:23
I Feel You 7:10
In Your Room 6:40
Judas 5:08
Never Let Me Down Again 4:49
Personal Jesus 5:44
Policy of Truth 4:58
Rush 4:37

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De La Soul - The Impossible Mission TV Series, Pt.I

Those who know DaddyRich know of his love for the real hip-hop (as defined by me, of course) and not too many have practiced it so long and with as much skill as the De La crew. This 'mixtape' has lot of interesting and rare cuts spanning their entire career and is therefore, essential listening. Just give a listen if you love the genre - this won't really change anyone's mind who is already convinced otherwise.

1. Impossible Intro
2. Live @ The Dugout '87
3. Voodoo Circus
4. Friends
5. What The Fuck #1
6. Go Out And Get It
7. Beef
8. Reverse Ya Steps
9. You Got It feat. Butta Verses
10. What The Fuck #2
11. Just Havin' A Ball
12. What If?
13. Relax!!
14. Wasn't For You
15. Freestyle (Dat Shit) 2006
16. What The Fuck #3
17. Freedom Train

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Bauhaus - In The Flat Field (1998 Re-Issue)

It has been way too long since DaddyRIch has thrown out a Bauhaus post. I got the fever again when I was looking for little-listened to tracks to fill my iPod with and said to myself ,"It has been a long time since I listened to any Bauhaus..." So here we go with a re-issue of one their best albums. Even after all the ensuing years, it seems to me that Peter Murphy's voice is the greatest instrument in the band. That is taking nothing away from the great skills of David J, Daniel Ash and Kevin Haskins - they are all very accomplished. He is that rare lead singer whose voice can be all over the place during any given song but it cannot be ignored and can easily be appreciated. This album contains many of my favorite Bauhaus tunes, including Double Dare, In The Flat Field and Spy In The Cab. Hopefully a few of you will enjoy as well - I may post more Bauhaus soon, but my rarities collection of them is woefully thin. A bit more from the interwebs -

"is CD retains the rather original album's rather daring cover art (a nude male figure) but adds eight tracks from early singles (though not "Belaà," unfortunately) to the 4AD issue's nine. IN THE FLAT FIELD is classic and influential, a deadly combination. Though Bauhaus may be labeled as "Goth," the pealing feedback that opens the disc ("Dark Entries") and the anguished howl in the first line of "Double Dare" ("I dare you to be real!") prove that they arrive with the same punk rock pedigree as many of their contemporaries. Peter Murphy's vocals very nearly dominate the proceedings. By turns, he declaims, wails, and sings-even speaking in tongues on "Stigmata Martyr." His lyrics draw from popular culture, from Greek mythology, and from everything in between. The rhythm section of brothers David Jay (bass) and Kevin Haskins (drums) provides a flexible but extremely forceful backbone to Daniel Ash's squalling, often distorted, guitar sound. Make no mistake. This is a rock record-and one of the best, at that."

1. Dark Entries
2. Double Dare
3. In The Flat Field
4. God In An Alcove
5. Dive
6. Spy In The Cab
7. Small Talk Stinks
8. St. Vitus Dance
9. Stigmata Martyr
10. Nerves
11. Telegram Sam
12. Rosegarden Funeral Of Sores
13. Terror Couple Kill Colonel
14. Scopes
15. Untitled
16. God In An Alcove
17. Crowds
18. Untitled

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Friday, January 12, 2007

The Good, The Bad & The Queen

Because so many aksed so kindly for it. Get it whilst you can - I am sure it won't last the day. It is awesome and, reall, can any band have a better pedigree? Very doubtful.

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Social Distortion - Live at Reseda Country Club in L.A. 6/23/90

Of the many SD boots I have of this era this one is the most listenable. Sad to say, but the importance of this band seems to deserve a better representation and my eyes will continue to be wide open for others. I have about 30-40 boots and will be going through them in the near future to try and present a better live picture without including any official releases and get on the wrong side of Mr. Ness. Ahem. This was, sadly, around the time when I got into Social Distortion, and not earlier. I am sure my coolness factor will suffer for that statement, but I was a bit late to the party. I had friends who played it all the time but I was in a between state at the time, being 18 and veering more towards Brit-Pop. I eventually came around and realized that you can love it all without being married to justy one style. And, after hearing the songs, who can resist the mighty S.D.?

09 1945

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INXS - Kick (Special Edition Japan Import)

With thanks to the great Mokeys for sharing this one. I love this band, of course and rarely have seen the lovely obi-strip upon their works. The obi always guaranteed a huge increase in price at Rhino or Mad Platter so, more often than not, I just fondled the package and walked out with a copy of the NME. Sigh. The good old days - thank God for the sharing communities on the internet, let's keep the kindness coming. I would love to add thanks here to all the good people (from around the world!) who have left links and suggestions in the comments. What we have here is a great little share from my friends at the Island Of Misfit Toys and a new one to me. Hopefully a few of you will be seeing this for the first time as well.

1. Guns In The Sky (2:20)
2. New Sensation (3:39)
3. Devil Inside (5:10)
4. Need You Tonight (3:05)
5. Mediate (2:30)
6. The Loved One (3:35)
7. Wild Life (3:08)
8. Never Tear Us Apart (3:00)
9. Mystify (3:15)
10. Kick (3:11)
11. Calling All Nations (2:59)
12. Tiny Daggers (3:27)
13. Devil Inside (re-mix version) (6:29)
14. New Sensation (Nick 12" Mix) (6:28)
15. Move On (4:46)
16. Need You Tonight (Mendelsohn Mix) (7:01)
17. Different World (4:16)
18. Guns In The Sky (Kick Ass Mix) (5:59)

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Benny Hill - The Ultimate Collection

I do really wish I could remember where this little diamond came from, I would share proper thanks. Growing up in the late 70's afforded me many opportunitiesto enjoy The Benny Hill show and could explain the big boob fetish of many middle-aged men...hmmmm. Anyways, it seems every episode had at least one funny song in it and I am amazed there isn't a box set of these gems for us to enjoy . Just thinking of the show brings back many memories and I still get a kick out of 'Family Guy' when Stewie says it's time for one of his 'sexy parties' and it goes into the Benny Hill-esque chasing of scantilly-clad young ladies through the living room. Ah, good times. Hope you enjoy.

1. Gather in the Mushrooms
2. Transistor Radio
3. Harvest of Love
4. Pepy's Diary
5. Gypsy Rock
6. Piccolo Song
7. Lonely Boy
8. Moving on Again
9. Andalucian Gypsies
10. Egg Marketing Board Tango
11. Bamba
12. What a World
13. I'll Never Know
14. My Garden of Love
15. In the Papers
16. Golden Days
17. Flying South
18. Wild Women
19. Jose's Cantina
20. Rose
21. Those Days [Duet with Maggie Stredder] - Benny Hill, Maggie Stredder Singers
22. Old Fiddler
23. Ernie (The Fastest Milkman in the West)

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The Beatles - Revolution (Bootleg)

One of my favorite Beatle collections of scraps and such. This is demos and incidental tracks from around 1965-1968, with some great quality sound, considering what I had been expecting. Early versions of 'We Can Work It Out', 'Julia' and an alternate 'Across The Universe', among other gems make it worth your while, for sure. Oh, so many more to come.... I just got the strangest feeling of deja vu wth this post. Did I already do this one? I checked my list and can't find it - maybe since I have been meaning to post this one for a while. Strange.

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The Cars - Studio Demos

Another one here that, sadly, I cannot find any more information on. It seems there are not a whole lot of Cars bootleg sets on the web. So, let's just say that here is 16 tracks of studio demo goodness for all the demo freaks out there who, like me, can never have enough music from their favorite bands. I guess it would be easy to say that The Cars were an under-rated band from the 1980's, but the fact is they were huge back then. The fact would be that they are largely ignored now as a seminal influence of many of the greatest bands in recent history - especially the mighty Weezer (who Ric Ocasek produced, as well). I may have one or two more Cars collections here and I will post when found. Hope you enjoy, this contains demos of some of their best songs.

01 My Best Friend's Girlfriend (Demo)
02 You're All I've Got Tonight (Demo)
03 Bye Bye Love (Demo)
04 Don't Cha Stop (Demo)
05 Take Me Now (Demo)
06 They Won't See You (Demo)
07 Moving in Stereo - All Mixed Up (Demo)
08 I'm in Touch with Your World (Demo)
09 Just What I Needed (Demo)
10 Hotel Queenie (Demo)
11 You Just Can't Push Me (Demo)
12 Take What You Want (Demo).
13 Wake Me Up (Demo)
14 Slipaway (Demo)
15 Ta Ta Wayo Wayo (Demo)
16 Leave or Stay (Demo)

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Johnny Cash & Friends - A Concert Behind Prison Walls

Here's a nice little treat for all you cats and kittens. I feel I have put plenty of Johnn Cash on here as of late, but this one will mix it up, at least a little bit. Live at Tennessee State Prison in 1976 with some help from Linda ROnstadt, Roy Clark and others we get a nce show and almost makes you wish you had robbed a liquor store in Tennessee in '76 for a free Johnn Cash show...damn, I would have been 5 at the time - so I'd have been sent to juvenille detention instead. Oh well, either way it's vintage Cash and there ain't nothing wrong with that, and more to come, children.

1. Folsom Prison Blues
2. Sunday Morning Coming Down
3. Jacob Green
4. Comedy Routine
5. Desperado
6. You're No Good
7. Rolling In My Sweet Baby's Arms
8. That Honeymoon Feeling
9. Shuckin' The Corn
10. Half As Much
11. Love Has No Pride
12. Silver Threads And Golden Needles
13. Hey Porter
14. Wreck Of The Old Ninety Seven
15. Orange Blossom Special
16. A Boy Named Sue

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