Minutemen - A Mini-Extravaganza!
Since so many kind friends of the Ape wrote to me and requested more from the thrash/punk/jazz/jam/genius of Minutemen/Firehose, I simply could not refuse them. You all know DaddyRich is a push-over, just ask my sons. I will be posting some more fromt heir wonderful catalog as time passes and hope the new fans will enjoy this taste of their work and some older fans get to reminisce in sweet memories....

Minutemen - Buzz Or Howl Under The Influence Of Heat
1. Self-Referenced
2. Cut
3. Dream Told By Moto
4. Dreams Are Free, Motherfucker! - (live)
5. Toe Jam, The - (live)
6. I Felt Like A Gringo
7. Product, The - (live)
8. Little Man With A Gun In His Hand
9. (untitled) - (hidden track)

Minutemen - Paranoid Time
1. Validation
2. Maze, The
3. Definitions
4. Sickles And Hammers
5. Fascist
6. Joe McCarthy's Ghost
7. Paranoid Chant

Minutemen - What Makes A Man Start Fires?
1. Bob Dylan Wrote Propaganda Songs
2. One Chapter In The Book
3. Fake Contest
4. Beacon Sighted Through Fog
5. Mutiny In Jonestown
6. East Wind / Faith
7. Pure Joy
8. '99
9. Anchor, The
10. Sell Or Be Sold
11. Only Minority, The
12. Split Red
13. Colors
14. Plight
15. Tin Roof, The
16. Life As A Rehearsal
17. This Road
18. Polarity
This is the first of many Minutemen/Firehose posts to come in the future - hope you all enjoy. Please buy if you dig it, they deserve the bread.
Link in comments.
Buzz Or Howl Under The Influence Of Heat -
Paranoid Time -
What Makes A Man Start Fires? -
very nice.....i bought this stuff when it was new on vinyl! yikes!
Excellent stuff, specially Buzz or Howl, but What Makes A Man Start Fires? seems to have disappeared...
Thanks SO much for this! "Three way tie.." would be GREATLY appreciated!
Yes! i need more Minutemen!!!tkx!zx.
Thanks for the posts man, YOU, sir, ARE A GOD! Minutemen and fIREHOSE absolutely rock!
Can you upload "Bean-Spill". I would love to have it. I need to finish a CD version of "My First Bells" and all I am missing is "Bean-Spill".
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