And so it goes...
My good friends it is with a heavy heart and tired mind that I write this. The deletions due to trolls are continuing and now I have received several threatening legal notices (for unreleased material) that are forcing me to close up shop. How do the other guys get away with sharing for longer than this? All of your kind words and support are greatly appreciated on this end. It's a tough one-man operation to keep up for long so I am glad that I made it this far. But I have a family and cannot fight the system on this if they decide to hound me and so I lay down my sword , before I am hoist upon it. In the future (when all is well...) I will be looking toward a more community-oriented organization (much like one's I have mentioned previously) and should something new turn up I hope you all will keep your blogger accounts open so I can notify you. Again, many thanks for the good words and sharing. So, please get them all while you can and enjoy. For me, it's time to devote more time to study and scholarship. Like I once said , "The greatest sevice we can do for the deity is help our fellow man."