The Stone Roses - Second Coming Rehearsal Sessions 1993-1994
Oh, the much ballyhooed and oh-so disappointing 'Second Coming' album. Not too many folks love the Stone Roses like DaddyRich, but this album was like a warm turd upon release back then. With the notable exception of 'Ten Storey Love Song', which still gets much play here I could not find much love for the rest. After all the legal wranglings and the much-too-long wait - I was very let down. And none-too-surprised when the break-up came about. A major regret for me was seeing the tickets on sale for a show in L.A. (for over $150 in 1995!) and figuring it wasn't worth the cash. I probably could've scraped it up but I wouldn't have had grocery (or, at that time more importantly - cigarette money) for 2 weeks and that was the deciding factor in it. Oh, the regret. My love for the band has only increased since then and am waiting patiently for them to reform and do Coachella in 2008....
Understandably, this is for only the hardest of the hardcore Roses lovers. Lots of tedium - if you've been around any band whilst rehearsing, it's quite boring. But I treasure it and hopefully one or two of you will as well.
Your Star Will Shine
1 Setting Up (0:44)
2 "Take It Away John" (1:05)
3 Run Through With Ian Mistiming (3:11)
4 "Take Your Coat Off, It's Clicking" (1:10)
5 "Nah Nah" (1:28)
6 "Losing The Melody" (2:10)
7 "Going Backwards" (1:43)
8 From 2nd Verse - Lead Vocals From John On Last Few Lines (1:38)
9 Excuses, Excuses... Ian Just Can't Remember That Melody (1:05)
10 "This Is Hard Work" - John Starts To Get Annoyed (2:11)
11 "Yeahhh" - Final Run Through Proved Successful (2:53)
Good Times
12 Setting Up, Then Ian, Mani & Reni Start To Play (2:16)
13 Mani & Reni Discuss The Song (0:50)
14 Ian, Mani & Reni Go Through It Again (1:21)
15 John Joins In... (4:09)
16 John, Ian & Reni From The Chorus, Then Mani Joins In (3:38)
17 "Anyone Got Any Smash?" - Ian & John, Then Reni Joins In, Then Finally Mani (4:55)
18 Funky Jam (3:18)
19 "She's My Heroin" (2:28)
20 Pulling It Together... (3:23)
21 Sounding Great (5:17)
Redemption Song
22 First Run Through (2:47)
23 Ian's Learning... (2:38)
24 All The Way Through (2:35)
25 Guitar Goes Wrong... (1:02)
26 All The Way Through Again (3:02)
27 Bass Joins In... (2:58)
28 Final Redemption (2:46)
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